Our Approach

process wheel

Implementing financial strategies is a unique process for each client, but below is a summary of our typical approach:

Crystallize Objectives: For your family, business, community, & self so that you can create a legacy to be proud of.

Review Current Position & Plans: Including your Estate plan, Statement of Investment Policy, Life Insurance plan, & Business buyout agreements.

Identify Risks and Opportunities: Risks such as living too long, dying too soon, & getting sick, and opportunities such as starting or expanding your business, creating a secure retirement, providing your kids and grandchildren with great educations, and helping the world.

Review Alternate Ideas: We discuss strategies for trusts, wealth protection, partnership buyout agreements, life insurance, and asset allocation.

Create a Written Plan of Action

Implement and Monitor: As you and your world evolve we are here to help you to keep your plans relevant.
